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My Color of Beauty: Get Rid of Triangle Hair

Hi Dolls,

By now I’m sure you know that I writing for My Color of Beauty , I hope you have had a chance to check out the website, and all of the other great content that is going up almost every day!

I have been really focusing on hair lately in my postings for them. I was doing my hair today, and realized that my hair was starting to look a little triangular. If you aren’t  sure what that means check it out.



Triangle hair is seriously one of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to my curls. In my latest post on My Color of Beauty, I talk about how to get your curls the way you want them with the right cut.

Get Rid of Triangle Hair with the Right Cut

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I hope you will check out this post and My Color of Beauty. There is a really great blog up on Dealing with Thinning Edges.

As always thanks for reading!
