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My Color of Beauty: Fresh Faces and Flat Irons

Hello lovelies!

I feel like I have been missing in action from my blog for a while! I promise I am working on some new and exciting things, so stay tuned for that! Until then…you should head on over to My Color of Beauty  and check out my latest over there.

A Little Preview…..

  • I did a HUGE post about makeup brush cleaning and\found out some really cool and interesting things AND even made a craft, I think it is worth the read and I hope you do too! Check out Fresh Brushes, Fresh Faces
  • The next post I did was not as exciting but pretty cool nonetheless, I talked about my mini adventure in flat ironing my hair, YES that is a mini adventure! Check out Get Your Flat Iron Right

As I have said before and will say again, My Color of Beauty is awesome, I’m working alongside of some great and very creative women, I really hope you will check out there posts as well!

i would love to hear what you think, leave me a comment here, or even on My Color of Beauty, Tweet Me, Facebook, Whatever! I love to get feedback, so please feel free!

As always  thank you for reading and your support! You are AMAZING!
