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  • My Color of Beauty: Are Your Makeup Brushes Breeding Bacteria?

My Color of Beauty: Are Your Makeup Brushes Breeding Bacteria?

Hi Dolls,

I just posted an article on My Color of Beauty, the third in my little series here! I would really appreciated you going to check it out! While you are there don’t just check out my post, there are so many great blogs and videos, there is truly something for everyone!

Today I wrote about the importance of cleaning your makeup brushes, this post is pretty much a teaser of something I am working on for later this week.  I will be testing out a few DIY methods of cleaning makeup brushes, to hopefully find out some great new solutions or methods of getting the cleanest possible brushes! That post is coming this Friday so stay tuned! Until then check this post out. I would love to know what you think. I would also love to hear anything that you hope I will writ about or film in the future, please let me know, either by commenting below or shooting me an email.


Are Your Makeup Brushes Breeding Bacteria?

As always thanks for reading!
