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  • Confession #6: I’m obsessed with free stuff

Confession #6: I’m obsessed with free stuff

Ok so I haven’t posted anything for a while, SO this is going to be two parts! yay!

I’ve definitely been pretty busy, but I have had the time to make a few purchases, AND I finally got the package in the mail I’ve been waiting for!

Mail Time!

So I’ll start with my package! So awhile ago (3 years or so) I was browsing the internet looking for a way to earn free things or money, and I discovered this website called Crowdtap. I am now COMPLETELY in love with it. You sign up, fill out a quick survey about yourself,and then the offers start coming in, sometimes they are discussions, quick little picture missions, but every so often you get offered a product sample or a sampling party package! This to me is really exciting because Crowdtap is partnered up with companies such as At&t, Verizon, Cottonelle, Old Navy and many many more that I can’t really remember at the moment! These companies offer their products free to crowdtap users to test out! A few months ago Verizon offered a party sample kit that included an Samsung Galaxy SIII!! unfortunately for me that offer was a little above my level and I didn’t get the chance to partake. however a few weeks ago I was offered a product sampling by Cottonelle and of course i accepted!! Which brings me to my original topic… My samples are here!!!! Now usually when you think of samples you think of a small bit, like maybe one roll of toilet paper or a little envelope of lotion or shampoo. Again not the case with Crowdtap, I received: 1 18 pack of Cottonelle  Clean Care, 2 4 packs of the same, and 3 tubs of the new Cottonelle Fresh Care Wipes! So basically I get to try it myself and share with friends! To me this is super exciting…and admittedly a  little awkward since its toilet paper. I could care less though! So basically the moral of this story is, you should sign up for Crowdtap. Why wouldn’t you? free stuff and exclusives on products

this is a picture of my free sample! in case you didn't believe me :P click and it will take you to crowdtap so you can experience its awesomeness for yourself!

this is a picture of my free sample! in case you didn’t believe me 😛 click and it will take you to crowdtap so you can experience its awesomeness for yourself!

Just in case clicking the picture doesn’t work   —  http://bit.ly/miRso4 —

-Mixed Beauty