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Confession #48: Play Beautifully with e.l.f. Cosmetics

Hi Dolls!

If you are anything like me, aka SUPER obsessed with makeup, you follow tons of beauty accounts on Instagram.

The other day as I was scrolling through my feed, I noticed there were quite a few people, posting pictures and tagging @elfcosmetics along with #playbeautifully. Needless to say, I was intrigued, I headed over to e.l.f.’s feed and found out they are having a HUGE contest. Not only do you get a free lipstick (while supplies last) just for participating, you are also entered into the weekly giveaway of $200 worth of products, as well as being entered in to the grand prize drawing!

Seriously! Check out this prize pack!

If you are an e.l.f. lover like I am, this contest is a must!

Here are the rules, AND a link to enter the contest yourself!

Enter the contest here.




Thanks for reading!
