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Confession #40: Stay Beautiful with Benefit Cosmetics

Whenever I think about Benefit Cosmetics, I have this image of them turning to me and in the voice of Mariah Carey asking, “Why are you so obsessed with me?”

Benefit Logo

Well Benefit, since you asked (in my head anyways), I finally have an answer. It is because you are completely awesome in all facets of life! I’m not even going to focus on the amazing quality of Benefit’s products, or their adorable packaging, or the fact that my eyebrows are always on fleek (it’s a word now) because of the brow bar. Those are all serious factors in why I have a, probably unhealthy, obsession with Benefit Cosmetics, but one of the things I love the most is how they interact with people like me!

Benefit Cosmetics has one of the best social media presences of all the cosmetic companies I follow, which is obviously a lot.

I’m going to take a look at Twitter,

If you don’t follow Benefit on Twitter or Instagram  for that matter, do so now!

Something that Benefit does differently from the rest is respond to it’s customers, I tweet to Benefit a lot. I don’t think there has ever been a time they didn’t respond back, I’m not talking about a “thanks for the support” they craft an original response to every tweet.

See what I’m saying! Benefit is awesome, something I learned in my Social Media Strategy class is that social media isn’t about gaining followers only, it is about interacting with you followers and building relationships, something Benefit has definitely done with me. Not only does Benefit know how to build great relationships, but they also have the most clever content coming out all the time, I feel that when you follow them you really get an idea of the voice and personality of their company. 

I could continue, but you would end up with Benefit’s entire feed in this post. The sassy words, and clever captions to just add fuel to fire for my love of Benefit, and I’m not alone, Benefit has 488k followers and it grows every single day. Other cosmetic companies have begun to stand up and take notice, interacting with their customers, building and maintaining great relationships.

P.S. Benefit I was serious about that job 😉

