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Confession #38: It’s Smooth Sailing with Body Merry

Hi Dolls,

Being happy with your body can often be really hard in this day and age. With the media, peers, and everyone else pushing us to look a certain way, our confidence can diminish as the day goes on, no matter how great you were feeling that morning.

Everyone has their little things they struggle with. Two of my biggest annoyances are my under eye bags and skin that just isn’t smooth (yes, I mean cellulite).

If you share in my annoyance keep reading for some info on a great line of products that will help you with your little annoyances.

Cellulite has been an irritation of mine for a long time, most women have it, some have a lot some have a little, it isn’t anything to be ashamed of, and yet we often times are.

Under eye bags are a new thing for me, pulling all-nighters during midterms week brought those lovely things to the surface, and even after I was a bit more rested they were relentless and refused to disappear.

When Body Merry gave me the opportunity to try a couple of their products that promised to fix my little annoyances, I couldn’t refuse.

I got to try the Cellulite Cream with Caffeine and Retinol  and the Eye Cream.


I had never heard of Body Merry before but I read all of their reviews on Amazon and they seemed like a great company so giving them a try was an easy decision to make.

The Cellulite cream comes in a small jar, I didn’t think a lot of product would be in the jar, but I was pleasantly surprised.

As soon as you apply the cream you can feel it working, it has a cooling, tingling effect and it definitely is working. I haven’t noticed a significant difference yet, so I won’t be posting any pictures, yet but stay tuned.

I am also working on the blog for the eye cream, I do have pictures for that, so stay tuned!
