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Chico State Pano

Confession #36: Chico State-Through the Eyes of a Wildcat

When Chico State comes into the conversation many things come to mind. For those who haven’t been Wildcats, maybe partying, floating, or various other things Chico State is known for.

This Wednesday in my Social Media Strategy class, we were given a task. 10 items, 10 different stories, Chico State through the eyes of its awesome students and professors. A Twitter Scavenger Hunt.


My partner Julie Ramos and I took the hunt by storm and worked on showing a different view  of Chico State, you can check out our hunt activity below!



I’m Hungry!:



Freshman Nicole Cinlas & Hannah Fyffe enjoy eating at Marketplace while catching some rays #J498pic.twitter.com/N22ZuIOmVe

Professor in the Street:

73 Days Til Graduation:

Academic Excellence:


Extracurricular Extravaganza:

Fanatic Fan:

First-Year In the Street:

Fun Fact:

Although Julie and I like to think we had the best results some of our classmates had some great finds during our scavenger hunt, Check a few out below.

     A scavenger hunt isn’t very intimidating, a Twitter scavenger hunt, seems like it would be even less intimidating, but I assure you it isn’t easy. Julie and I took a few things away from the hunt that can become good tools and tips for anyone actively using social media who wants to get noticed. Here are our top 5.

  • It’s all about brevity (shortness of time): If you didn’t already know a tweet allows for 140 characters, not word but characters, that means every letter, space and symbol counts. Not to mention that adding a picture takes a few of those characters away. When you are tweeting, “gramming”, or facebooking be clear and concise. Get your message across in the shortest and most creative way possible
  • Being different is OK:  When you know that 20 other people have the same list and are looking for the same results, it pays to be different. Social media is the same way if  you are going to tweet or post about a trending topic you MUST be different if you want to stand out among the crowd. Being different is ok, in fact its preferred when it  comes to social media.
  • Be creative: when you are using social media this should go without saying, but we’re saying it anyway! If you want to stand out from the crowd or get noticed, being creative is the only way to do so.
  • Time management is a must: 10 items listed doesn’t seem like a lot, but when you only have 110 minutes it gets a bit scary. The best thing to do in this type of situation is plan and use your time wisely.
  • Have Fun: In the world of social media sometimes its hard to remember that though the tool is meant for networking, it is also meant to be fun! A Twitter scavenger hunt can really help you reintroduce yourself to the idea that social media is meant to be fun. Don’t be so serious when it comes to social media, be yourself! Be creative, be concise, be different but in all that don’t forget to have fun. No one wants a boring feed.

We hope you enjoyed reading about our twitter scavenger hunt. If you want to check out some more tweets, and pictures of the beautiful Chico State campus, view our class tag #j498,
