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Confession #33: Purse’averance- The Fight To Carry On

Hi all,

If there is anything that can come close to rivaling my obsession with makeup, it is books. I have loved reading my whole life and have a collection of hundreds of books. So when I was gifted Purse’averance , I of course couldn’t refuse the offer to read it.


The book was written by Gwen E. Campbell. I enjoyed it not only because it was a quick read, it only took me about an hour to read, but it is something different. The book gives us a view that I have never read before, which is through the eyes of our accessories.

The main character is a purse that just a bit out place in life until it finds the right one. I don’t want to give to much of the story away, here’s the book description:

“The delightful tale told by our accessories and clothing, as they see us during our life. Feel what it is to be a purse, a wallet, a coat, and live life through their eyes.

Follow the tale of life as told by the purse, as her Girl finds her in the department store and brings her home to family and life. A story of love, friendship, and life in the closet, as only purses, coats, dresses, shoes, and all the other delightful characters that complete our lives, tell us their story. You will be delighted and charmed by the interactions of all, as you follow them through their daily lives.” 

I enjoyed the book. My only criticism is that it was a bit slow to start and a little confusing at some points. Despite those two minor things I would recommend reading.

If you do get a chance to read it, I would love to know what you think!
