Confession #30: #SmearforSmear

As I was scrolling through my Twitter timeline, I happened upon a picture of a girl with her lipstick smeared. I didn’t think much of it, assuming it was one of those artistic shots that people like to take. As I continued to scroll, I saw another picture, this time with #SmearforSmear as the caption. Immediately I was intrigued, I decided to look into it some more, I found a great article explaining the campaign, (check it out here ).

If you don’t feel like reading, I’ll give you a bit of break down. The #SmearforSmear campaign is to raise awareness about Cervical Cancer. Cervical Caner is something we hear about as young women, but often don’t have the facts.

#smearforsmear image, help prevent cervical cancer

Cervical Cancer is the most common cancer in women under 35, however cervical cancer is one of the few cancers that can be prevented, with a simple test. A lot of women, bypass their screening; and the #SmearforSmear  campaign is to not only raise awareness and support for those suffering from cervical cancer but to also raise awareness about cervical screenings.

The campaign has gained momentum, especially in the UK where it originated, but as the article states, #SmearforSmear is the new ice bucket challenge. Cervical Cancer can be so easily prevented, take a smeared selfie, nominate your friends, and raise awareness for this great cause!

Check out the #SmearforSmear website, for more information, and even more selfies.
