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  • Confession #29: It’s not a hobby its a way of life

Confession #29: It’s not a hobby its a way of life

I never thought Gene Simmons and I would have anything in common. Until one day I heard a quote from him and he was able to put into words the exact way I felt about my favorite “hobby”

“The makeup is simply an extension of the personality and colors, clothing, makeup all express something.”

Although he was talking about his iconic band Kiss, what he said really resonated with me, and has been something I go back to regularly as a reminder about why I am on the path that I am on.

I’ve been obsessed with makeup my entire life. From the time I was old enough I spent my free time playing with makeup and learning how to apply it. From then my obsession (and collection) only grew. Though over the years my career goals have changed from doctor, to lawyer, to politician, my obsession never stopped. Now as I am in my third year at Chico State and have finally settled on Public Relations as my major and career path, I plan on taking that obsession and passion that I have for makeup and applying it to my career.

After graduating from Chico State my goal is to work as a part of the in-house public relations team for a cosmetics company like UltaBenefit Cosmetics , or Urban Decay. I also have some interest in working for companies like Birchbox and Julep. My goal in my professional life is to work somewhere, that I can say I stand behind the products, not simply because I work there, but because I’m also a customer.

I think there is so much opportunity to grow in the cosmetics industry. I follow so many well known brands on Twitter and other social media outlets like Facebook and Instagram, and every day see things that are so innovative and creative.  Like this short video Benefit recently released.

The freedom to be quirky, and poke fun at your own products is something that has attracted me to this industry, alongside of my existing love for all things makeup. The cosmetic industry public relations people know how to connect with their public on a very personal level, and that is something I look forward to being able to do.

I’m looking forward to being able to build my personal professional brand more and more. I like to call myself a social media enthusiast, so I have some experience with most channels. I am always ready for a boost to any knowledge I possess. I am most excited to work with LinkedIn and work on growing that part of my network.

I hope you enjoy reading along as I embark upon this journey. To stay up to date, don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @cheyennemarina_ .

