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Confession #27: Let’s pretend the last 8 months didn’t happen

Hi dolls,

So as it is pretty obvious, I haven’t posted in FOREVER.


I honestly have no great excuse or reason for not posting, besides that I have been focusing a lot more on school, and working until 5 everyday (props to anyone who does that!) Although focusing on school is not necessarily a bad thing, hello 3.5 GPA , I have absolutely missed blogging!

As it is January, I guess its time for New Years Resolutions. One of mine is to be more consistent. I’ve been working on somethings to make the blogging journey more exciting. After debating on whether or not I wanted to take the leap, I am officially self-hosting my blog (if you have questions about how, please feel free to ask!). I find that pretty exciting! So seriously stay tuned for some new and exciting things!

I have been busy in these past few months and I can’t wait to share it with you!
