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Confession #20: My lips are ready for the Big Apple

Hey Everyone!

Many of you probably know what Influenster is, but if you don’t you should definitely check it out!!! I joined the site and almost immediately qualified for my first VoxBox. They sent a number of pretty cool items (stay posted for a full post on my Varsity VoxBox), but in this post I’m going to focus in this AMAZING lip gloss I got!


I received a full size  sample of NYC Big Bold Gloss, in a light pink, for some reason I can’t find the exact name of this color.

This product says its a plumping gloss, and often times when that claim is made it isn’t met. This product is different as soon as i apply it I can feel a small tingle letting me know that the plumping is starting to take action.

Ever since I started wearing lipgloss, I have hated that feeling you get when just to much product is on your lips, it feels so thick and gross and worst of all STICKY! So of course I was hesitant, thinking for sure i was about to smear lip glue… I mean gloss.. on my lips. This was not the case with this product! It goes on a bit thick but not so much that it is annoying, also this product is not in the least bit sticky I don’t feel like my lips are going to get stuck together when I talk.

My only qualm about this product is that the applicator is quite large, and if you make the mistake of double dipping you are going to have way to much product on your lips.


I want to hear from you!

Have you ever tried NYC’s Big Bold Gloss?

‘What other lip plumpers have you tried?

What’s your favorite lip gloss?


as always thanks for reading!

Much Love


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