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Confession #11: I got tagged in the Liebster Award!

Liebster award

So I am super excited because I got my first Beauty Blog Tag! by Rachel’s Beauty Bites! check her out here (http://rachelsbeautybites.blogspot.co.uk)

So here are the basic rules, if you get tagged, you have to answer the questions posed by whoever happens to tag you, and when you have answered all of the questions you create some of your own, tag bloggers who have under 200 followers but since I’m a rebel I tagged some blogs that I just plain liked, let them know and have them repeat the process.

These are definitely some simple and fun questions so here I go! I hope you enjoy!

1. What’s your favourite season of the year? (Winter/Spring/Summer/Autumn (Fall) and Why?

My favorite season is hands down Spring. That is when the weather is perfect to wear dresses with a little cardigan, you can go outside and enjoy the day without freezing or sweating excessively. Spring is definitely the weather for this girl.

2. Do you have a favourite Beauty/Hair product?

This is probably the hardest question on this list! I use so many different Hair and Beauty products that I love it is really hard to pick just one, so I don’t think any one will mind if I pick one of each.

Beauty: BB Cream

Out of all the things I have in my beauty arsenal BB cream is the product I love the most! On the days where I am not having a serious breakout, which thank the Lord are coming a lot more often, I don’t feel like wearing any heavy coverage foundation. I do, however, want my face to be nice and smooth when I’m applying my make up, BB Cream is the perfect solution, it gives me that smooth finish without the heavy feeling of a foundation. Seriously it feels like I’m wearing moisturizer, it is amazing!

BB Cream I am currently using

BB Cream I am currently using

Hair: Shea Butter Leave-In Conditioner

A lot of products are required to keep my hair looking healthy, and to keep it growing. Not all products work in my hair (a lot curl products contain alcohol which is so bad for your hair, causes major breakage) This leave-in conditioner is AMAZING in my hair, I put it on right after I get out of the shower comb it through and give it about 20 minutes to soak in before I do anything else to my hair. Since I’ve been using it I’ve seen less breakage, my hair is shiny and not dry, and its growing again. This is a product from heaven in my opinion! Added bonus it smells amazing!

Shea Butter Leave In Conditioner

Shea Butter Leave In Conditioner

3. What’s the one item of clothing you wear all the time and love?

I am a person who is literally IN LOVE with dresses, as soon as Spring hits and it is warm enough to wear dresses, you likely won’t see me in pants until the winter again! Dresses are so easy to wear and comfortable. My new obsession is Hi-Lo dresses, I’m seriously in love with them!

forgive this bathroom picture but here is my favorite dress!

forgive this bathroom picture but here is my favorite dress!

4. What’s your favourite colour?

My favorite color is Purple!

5. What’s your favourite book?

This is a hard on for me because besides being obsessed with makeup, I have an obsession with books as well. I’ve read so many books its not even funny. I guess I don’t really have a favorite book, more like a favorite author, which is Sarah Dessen, all of her books are really good. I’ll buy pretty much anything I see her name on simply because I love the way she tells a story.

6. Why did you start blogging?

I started blogging because I love writing and i love makeup, I’d seen so many different beauty blogs, and was always intimidated, but once I changed my major to public relations, I figured that I needed to get started on branding myself if I ever wanted to help companies and organizations with their brands.

7. What have you learnt while blogging?

Blogging has taught me a lot, mostly that it isn’t easy. Sometimes it almost feels like a homework assignment when I know I need to sit down and write a blog, but once I do it feels great! I’ve also learned not to dwell on the number of views and followers I have, although it is really nice to get a ton of views or new followers, what matters is the content and that I’m really not doing this for anyone but myself!

8. What’s the funniest memory you have?

One of the funniest memories I have would have to be one Saturday I was at the mall with my best friend (we are so close she’s basically my sister) and our moms having a girls day out, we made the decision to stop at the Picture People and take some pictures, none of us really thought it through before hand and we realized no one had a comb or a brush to do a little bit of hair touch up. The next thing we know my mom was rifling through her purse so certain that she had something we could use, finally she smiles and pulls out a plastic fork, still in the little plastic wrap that it comes in, we all sat there looking at her as she opened the packet and combed her hair with it, all I could think of was the Little Mermaid with the Dingle-hopper. The rest of us waited about 3.5 seconds ans started laughing, we never really stopped laughing until we got home which was probably about 4 hours later.

9. What’s one product/piece of clothing you will never use again?

I don’t usually have bad experiences with products, or clothing probably because I am REALLY picky about what I use and wear. However, one brand that I have to say that I seriously do not is Tresseme, it hurts me to do so, because I’ve tried many different things from their line of hair care, but all with the same out come it gives me the itchiest scalp ever! It is really unattractive to keep scratching your head. I’m not saying don’t use their products, most people seem to really love them, There just must be some type of ingredient that I react to differently.

10. What’s your favourite place in the world?

My favorite place in the world is a tie, between two countries Grenada (which is where my mom’s side of the family is from) and the U.K. (which is where my mom was raised).

I hope you enjoyed my answers! I enjoyed answering the questions.

Here are the questions I’m asking the people I’m tagging:

1. Why did you start blogging?

2.What has been the most difficult thing about blogging? the easiest?

3. Do you have a favorite beauty brand?

4. If you could travel to anywhere in the world where would you go and why?

5. What is your favorite store ?

6. What is the best beauty tip you have?

7. What is your favorite beauty trick?

8. What is one product you couldn’t live without?

9. What is one of your favorite childhood memories?

10. If you had to eat the same thing every day for a year what would you choose?

11. Where do you buy most of your beauty products?

I’ve tagged these lovely blogs, after I checked them out a bit!










To the people I’ve tagged let me know when you answer the tag I would love hear your answers!
Thanks for Reading!