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Confession #10: Beauty Haul and Reviews

Well since it has been quite a while since I wrote anything, I’ve  purchased quite a few different products over the past few months. Soooo that means it’s haul time! Yay!

Just saying I am kind of excited because this is my first real haul and I’ll do a little bit of a review of some of the products as well, so bear with me, please and thank you!

I’ll get started with my most recent purchase. Since I have graduated from liking makeup to being absolutely obsessed, I can say for sure that it has become an expensive habit. I was talking about this with one of my friends, and she told me about e.l.fI had heard of e.l.f before but I never realized just how inexpensive it is, and even though its considered “cheap” this is some top notch stuff! like for real.

1.Shine Eraser: Oil Blotting Sheets 2. Natural False Lash Kit 3.Makeup Mist and Set 4. Zit Zapper 5. Individual Lash Kit


Shine Eraser:Oil Blotting Sheets: $1.00

I have what I guess you would call combination  skin, some days it can be a little greasy others it is overly dry, which sucks. I’ve tried so many different regimens, I’ve pretty much been able to get rid of my dryness,oiliness is still a little bit of a problem for me. My face produces oils yes, but my problem comes from my hair, as a mixed girl, my hair doesn’t produce oils as fast, and whenever I put product in it, it sucks it up like a sponge, so I’m constantly having to oil my scalp and strands, and that always makes my skin feel oily. Since I started using these I have definitely felt a reduction in that icky greasy feeling. So to you I say, if you have a problem where you are always looking shiny, or just feeling grimy (yes I am aware I rhymed). Try these shine erasers, and seriously 50 sheets for $1.00 how can you say no?

Natural Lash Kit and Individual Lash Kit: $1.00 each

Next is the the “natural” falsies. I’m not one of those people who wears false lashes every day, simply because my lashes are pretty long and full even without mascara. So they aren’t really a necessary thing. However sometimes its fun to get a little glam and rock some falsies to a party or event of some sort. For instance I went to a Black Tie Affair a couple of weekends ago and I wore some false lashes, they really just make you feel sexy, so why not? Anyways I often get requests from friends to help them with their makeup and that’s usually OK, until they ask for help with false lashes, I am horrible at putting these darn things on myself, or anyone else. E.l.f to the rescue yet again, I don’t feel as bad ruining a pair of lashes while I’m practicing when I only spent one dollar on them.  Anyways I bought a couple of sets and have been playing around with them, what I really like about the kit is that the glue is included! You don’t have to spend extra dollars for the glue especially if you don’t plan on making falsies a frequent thing. I also bought a set of the individual lashes, I was reading somewhere that adding an individual lash to the outer end of your lash line gives a fuller effect, and it does, when I can get them on right! Practice makes perfect so when I do finally perfect putting these things on I will let you know. While these lash kits are AWESOME, I had one small grievance with the glue, and that was that it doesn’t dry black like some other lash glue I’ve used in the past. So basically what that means is that if I have a little accident and get some glue on the lash or something or other it might be noticeable, AND when the lash is  on its a little harder to get that blend of natural and false you are looking for.

here are a few pics from that Black Tie Affair I mentioned. I am wearing e.l.f Dramatic Lashes

here are a few pics from that Black Tie Affair I mentioned. I am wearing e.l.f Dramatic Lashes

and a close up of the lashes.

and a close up of the lashes.

Makeup Mist and Set: $3.00

This is definitely my new favorite thing from e.l.f! I had been looking to buy a make up setter, but had been dragging my feet because I didn’t want to spend  the money when I could buy something more exciting. So when I gravitated towards the beauty section on a recent trip to Target and saw this little bottle of Makeup Mist and Set for only $3, I of course bought it! Again even though e.l.f is super inexpensive the product is not a low quality at all! This mist works amazingly, it keeps my makeup looking fresh in this insane California weather, (seriously its raining today, and by Friday its supposed to be over 100). You spray about a foot away from your face and give it a couple of minutes to dry, and you are set. 😉

Zit Zapper:$1.00

The final thing I purchased from e.l.f was my Zit Zapper. I already have a spot treatment that I use on a regular basis by Clean and Clear, that works amazingly, however its a cream, which means I can’t put it on when I’m out and about, because who wants to walk around like that. So this little tube is perfect for when I’m on the go and get that dreadful feeling of a pimple getting ready to show its head, or when I notice a small one. You just roll this stuff on and it dries it up. It works great, and it works quickly which I like. You do have to be a little careful and not use it in the area to liberally because it can dry out skin and leave you with little flaky patches. All in all this stuff is awesome, and I have to say I am EXTREMELY satisfied with the e.l.f brand!

This post seems kind of long, but I guess I’ll keep going. 🙂

I’ve said before that I don’t always see the point in buying name brand makeup, although don’t get me wrong, if I could afford it I would, but I am a college student, with an unpaid internship. When I get a chance to buy some new product I’m not trying to spend $15.00 on one bottle or pot of whatever. I like to get a fair amount of product for the money I spend. Which is why when I stop at stores like Ross or Marshall’s, I always make sure to checkout their beauty department, sometimes you can find name brand product for drugstore prices. Anyway I found this bunch of stuff in Ross’ beauty department.

The Physicians Formula Set I bought

The Physicians Formula Set I bought for $7.99

For the past few months when Ross has had a massive selection of Physician’s Formula products, usually in these little sets. They have also a lot of the refills for the compacts, and other things Physician’s Formula does. I had never tried Physician’s Formula Product, before simply because I’m usually pretty loyal to my brands, but since I was getting these three things for only $7.99, I thought why not try it.

This little kit came with a bronzer compact, an eye shadow compact, and this other compact that I don’t really know how to explain lol.

Bronzer in Peachy Glow

Bronzer  in Peachy Glow.

Bronzer in Peachy Glow.

One thing I really like about Physician’s Formula is that this product always goes on light this bronzer is awesome, I use it to highlight, or sometimes I sweep it lightly all over which gives me a slight glow, which I  like. Something I really like about this bronzer is that it doesn’t have an excessive amount of sparkle. I’ve used other product that has so much glitter in I feel like a disco ball, and then the product somehow ends up all over my hands and clothes, and it feels like an overwhelming mess to me because glitter never goes away. Another reason I like this product is because it allows for me to actually where some bronzer in the summer. I have noticed that often times mixed people like myself 😛 have this weird thing that when we go in the sun even if it is just for 5 minutes, we tan… and not just a light tan, If it were that I could deal, I’m talking 3 shades darker, anyways I get dark in the summer and wearing bronzer even one that isn’t so drastic can make me look funny, but not this one! So 5 stars to you Peachy Glow.

Next was the Eye Shadow Palette in Baked Ginger Snap

Baked Gingersnap: use them wet or dry

Baked Gingersnap: use them wet or dry

I am absolutely OBSESSED with this palette. It is perfect for the summer time, because again this goes on light, I barley remember I’m wearing them half the time, and these colors complement each other so well, they are perfect for that natural, everyday look. These do have the ability to go on as wet shadows, however after attempting that and not really seeing the benefit of making such a mess for a little more definition, I won’t try it  again.

The final thing I got in this kit is definitely something different, to be honest I haven’t quite figured it out yet, I don’t think the brush and puff that came with it really work when applying, at least not for a rookie like myself.


Correcting Pebbles

These thing are interesting that’s for sure, basically, they are loose pebbles of minerals pressed together, promising to do a lot of the same stuff that BB cream is doing. When I’ve played around with them they go on smooth, but its hard to pick up the product and get all three of the different types of pebbles  on the brush or the poof. I’m working on this and WHEN I figure it out I will give you all an update!

The final thin in my first makeup haul is BB (beauty base) cream! I am very happy to say I now know why every one is singing the praises of this stuff. It is the thing of miracles. I was so skeptical at first, I mean I have break outs and large pores there was absolutely no way this cream was going to make me feel comfortable enough to walk out of the house without a layer of  foundation. I was definitely proven wrong. As I was perusing the shelves in the beauty section I noticed this little black box, I picked it up, and read that it was BB cream, however I almost put it down and walked away, simply because it is so hard for me to find stuff in my skin tone. seriously the selection is small, and whoever said that testing a color on the inside of your wrist would match your face..well they were just wrong, unless I’m supposed to look like a mime walking around.

BB Cream!

BB Cream!

The box  said it was deep, so I figured why not? With most brand’s deep is my skin tone, which is NOT what I would consider deep in the slightest. As soon as I got home I played a bit with this, and can I just say it is AMAZING, I’ll have to do before and after pics for you. but seriously. if you are skeptical of BB Cream do not be! This product works wonders for your skin, it smooths, corrects any discoloration, this particular brand cover’s blemishes, and my unsightly facial birthmark, and moisturizes! It sounds like I would use a lot, but I don’t! I squeeze out maybe as much as two fingertips, about the same amount you would for any facial moisturizer and it goes a long way, with a lot of coverage. The brand is a brand I’ve never seen before, Mincer Pharma. I looked them up and they seem pretty reputable. I really do encourage you to invest in some BB Cream, the brand that you are most comfortable with most likely has some in it’s line. One piece of advice I have for you is don’t be fooled by the size of the bottle, one of the reasons I didn’t purchase BB cream from the drugstore or wherever else is because I thought it was absurd to spend $8 on such a small bottle that most likely wouldn’t last me a month. but like I said a little goes a long way with BB Cream so don’t be fooled, You will be happy you spent the money in the long run.

Well, dolls that is all for now. I hope you enjoyed my very first beauty haul. As always I would love to hear from you; Post comments, find me on Facebook (forgive me the page is under construction), or follow me on Twitter @mixedbeauty94 ! Thanks for reading!
